by Team Snapbac
Snapbac’s Complete Training Clothing has been designed using the latest sports-science and athletic gear advancements, undergone rigorous testing in the labs and held up under individual physical trials, but on Friday, April 5th in New York City, it was put through its most comprehensive, real time field testing. The Complete Training Clothing was created to be the only gear you need to warm-up, work out and cool down. Its patented design features place heat therapy pods and cold therapy pods exactly where you need them, when you need them allowing you to be workout ready and recover faster than ever before. But you don’t have to take our word for it.
We found thirteen athletes at the top of their game across a large array of sports genres from marathon runners to soccer coaches and Spartan Race competitors to boss fitness coaches in Zumba, cycling, weights, boxing and more! These athletes know how to challenge their bodies and put gear to the test.
They all met at Chelsea Piers Fitness in Brooklyn and listened in on a crash course, science meets gear demo given by Snapbac’s Co-Founder, Kevin Bello and the CEO, Nic Vu. Each one suited up from head to toe in the Snapbac Complete Training line and started off with the heat therapy pods during a warm-up and Q&A session. Then things got tough. Master trainer, Oscar Colon, put the whole team through a solid hour of high intensity HIIT style training. They finished off with a cool down packing in the cold therapy pods. Each member used their whole bodies and pushed themselves to the max to see just how much support this compression gear could really give and how much of a beating it could take.
Check out some of the workouts that Colon posted on his Instagram @oscar_obelixfit. Personal trainer, Michelle Marques, @michellemar.ques posted the whimsical, ‘Oscar tried to kill us.’
Soccer coach, DJ Diveny, @djdiveny said, “Felt like I had superpowers yesterday in my new Snapbac Complete Training clothes.”
Spartan Race competitor, Perri Goldstein, @spartanchickie proudly declared, “THIS IS THE ULTIMATE PERFORMANCE TOOL!!!! … I feel particularly badass in my Complete Training Clothing by @Snapbac.”
Dedicated obstacle course racer, Danny Cabrea, @damenace37ocr shared, “Totally blew my mind wearing true compression, was the best I’ve felt before, during, and after that type of workout. The hot and cold therapy pods made a big difference in my warm up and my cool down recovery, not only in the time it took, but also the way my body felt.”
Certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, Sylvia Nasser, @thefitfem told her followers, “I’ve always felt like an athlete... but there was something truly special that I felt working out in these. I just felt stronger! … If you are serious about taking your training to the next level, give @snapbac a try!”
Goalkeeper and trainer, Michael Bolvin, @moderngoalkeeping was most interested in recovery when he posted, “I’m using the Complete Training Clothing from @snapbac to ice down the hard to reach places. Affective recovery prepares me for my next goalkeeper session.”
There were several more voices to be heard about the Snapbac gear tests, so if you want to know more, head over to @Snapbac and take a look at the NYC Snap Tests!