by Team Snapbac
We know that to be the best means to work the hardest, put in the hours, go beyond your limits and at times, make sacrifices. These qualities are not only for athletes but for anyone who has decided to be at the top. Whether taking home the Gold or the Pulitzer, you’ve dedicated your time, energy, effort and life to a dream you believe in, but what happens next? When it comes to being an athlete, remembering that your sport is not who you are, but what you do can actually make you better! This doesn’t mean you do less. It means you must do more, and by finding your balance in life, you will be better equipped to succeed.
According to Jeff Konin and Richard Ray, there are two theories on balancing your career with your sport. One sees conflict as the end result as the roles you must fulfill in the different parts of your life overlap or contradict causing you to choose one at the cost of the other. The second theory is that multiple roles in life are interdependent and actually enrich your overall experience by taking your development and knowledge in one area and applying it to enhance the other. Which theory your life falls into entirely depends on the balance you can achieve.
To determine the outcome, they focused their research on two primary factors: your career and you. When it comes to balance in your life, you will need an iron resolve, a steadfast vision and a career that affords you the time, energy and resources to pursue athletics.
We understand being focused and staying on track for the dream, but the truth is, you will be a better athlete when you know who you are outside of the sport. This allows you to set realistic expectations and that is the first step to victory. Plan to win by not creating plans sure to fail.
When an athlete comes across a problem, on or off the field, they must figure out why it’s happening and analyze how they deal with it. This means knowing how you act and react and why. Professional athletes spend time getting to know themselves by connecting with a sports psychologist or consultant. If you want to find balance in your career and your sport, then meet with a sports councilor or qualified life coach.
Ask any professional athlete who helped them along the way, and they will have a list of names from coaches and therapists to family members and deities. When you reach out, connect and accept help, you will be better equipped for all the roles you must play.
We all know that visualizing a play, a win, a flawless move in your mind improves your execution. Just remember you are not the office or the game. Focus on what you can control, your moves, your muscles, the part you play. Take that same visualization and see yourself commanding the boardroom, earning the promotion or finishing the project on time.
Next, find a hobby. You may feel like your life is too full for one more thing, and that’s exactly why you need it. Choose something that takes your mind away from the career and the athletic goal. To find balance, you must be able to remove yourself completely, clear your mind and see things with a little perspective.
Lastly, remember that there are wins and losses. You may win the competition and lose the big client or land the bid but lose the game. Use the strength in one part of your life to fuel you in the other, and if you lose both, then compare your strategy in each and look for similarities. Let each role you play teach you how to be a better you.